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Educational Wellness posts
Check out our featured posts regularly in order to keep up to date with all things wellness related:
Training principles
Stress management

Alexandra Castillo
2 min read
Heroin Chic and the Trend to Be Smaller
The term "heroin chic" emerged in the fashion world in the 1990s, characterized by pale skin, dark circles under the eyes, and a very...

Alexandra Castillo
2 min read
Why Eating Enough Protein is Essential
Necessary for Muscle Maintenance and Growth: * Why You Need to Maintain Muscles: Muscles are metabolically active and help in maintaining...

Alexandra Castillo
2 min read
HOME workouts
Home workouts offer a convenient and flexible way to stay in shape, and for many, they can help maintain existing fitness levels....

Alexandra Castillo
2 min read
Surgery vs. Non-Surgery Prehab: A Comparative Guide
Prehabilitation (prehab) is a proactive approach to avoiding pain and injury. It’s about preparing the body to withstand the physical...

Alexandra Castillo
2 min read
Back Imaging: Understanding the Picture and Beyond
Back imaging refers to the process of obtaining detailed pictures of the structures within the spine and surrounding areas. This can be...

Alexandra Castillo
2 min read
Fitness “Snacks”: Chunking Exercise into Your Daily Routine
In today's fast-paced world, squeezing in a gym session can sometimes feel impossible. But what if you didn't need a dedicated hour for...

Alexandra Castillo
2 min read
The Best Time of Day to Exercise: Timing, Science, and Personal Preferences
When it comes to exercising, one common question is, "When is the best time to work out?" The answer may be more complex than a...

Alexandra Castillo
2 min read
Understanding Burnout: Definition, Causes, Symptoms, and Misconceptions
Burnout has become a prevalent issue in modern society, with more people experiencing it across various fields. Understanding its...

Alexandra Castillo
2 min read
Using Exercise to Look After Your Heart: A Balanced Approach with Zone 2 Training
Cardiovascular health is at the core of overall well-being, with a blend of walking and weight training showing optimal results. This...

Alexandra Castillo
2 min read
Cardio vs weights debate!
When it comes to the classic cardio vs. weights debate, it's like comparing apples and oranges – both have their unique benefits. Cardio,...

2 min read
Impact of menstrual cycle on athletic performance
Several athletes are now openly discussing the impact of their menstrual cycle on their athletic performance. Concurrently, scientific...

3 min read
The Research Behind Ice Baths, Sauna Sessions, and Contrast Therapy & muscle building vs recovery:
Extreme temperature treatments, such as ice baths and sauna sessions, have been embraced by many for their potential health benefits....

5 min read
The Importance of Kinetic Energy in Dispelling Negative Energy and Rejuvenating Your Nervous System
Our nervous system is a vast and intricate network that extends from our brains and branches out, reaching every corner of our bodies,...

3 min read
Wellness trends for trainers to embrace 2024
Ive gone and done it, Ive cracked open the Christmas decorations (metaphorically) and its not even July yet by writing the trends that I...

3 min read
Wellness trends 2024
Okay so I get it, I'm like the grocery store that is putting up Christmas decorations after Easter, but I figured I'd make some trend...

2 min read
Review: "Do exercise and fitness protect against stress-induced health complaints?
I saw a TikTok recently that suggested if you did one very highly stress-inducing event for the body such as running a marathon or...

4 min read
Why is balance (or balancing) so important?
The following is the contribution I made to CNN health about Balance. Full article in CNN is linked here. I educate trainers and clients...

4 min read
Exercises to Avoid
Alright, you got me! You’ve managed to push my buttons and inspire me to write this blog post. Today, I want to talk about some exercises...

3 min read
Pilates or Strength Training??
Ladies and gentlemen, I recognize that this is a controversial subject, so I will jump right in and explain the differences between...

2 min read
How to Weather the Economic Recession as a Personal Trainer
As a fitness educator who helps fitness professionals enhance their skills and business acumen, I know times are tough. The fitness...

2 min read
If you are over 40, how and why should you stretch?
I was recently invited to contribute as an expert to and article on stretching for over 40s in SHE finds. Read on to find out what I...

3 min read
The core vs the abs and how often to train them!
I was recently invited by Insider magazine as an expert to contribute to an article on the core vs the abs. If you have been confused...

3 min read
Looking for a gym but never been to one before?
I am Dr Susan Baxter (PhD) and I am a fitness and nutrition educator for personal trainers and allied health professionals. I also work...

3 min read
Fitness trends that need to be cancelled this year
The following trends need to be put to rest and replace them! Demonizing weight loss and glorifying good genetics I am so happy that the...

2 min read
Should you foam roll? Does it work?
I recently was invited to contribute to Cosmopolitan magazine about whether foam rolling was worth it and effective. Read on to find out...

3 min read
How to dispel jetlag as soon as possible
With the world opening up (and hopefully staying open) I was invited recently to comment on a Wall Street Journal piece on optimising...

2 min read
How to Lose Weight Fast and Safely
If you are looking to lose weight, it’s important to understand the safe and healthy way to do it. While it is possible to drop a...

9 min read
Why didn't the scale go down this week on your diet?
So you're reading this and you might have been following the diet for one week, two weeks, three weeks, or four weeks. You've been...

4 min read
Is it your feet?
Did you know that the answer to a number of people's injuries, complaints or even poor posture might be coming from your feet? We all...

10 min read
How to make exercise a habit and get results for the least amount of effort.
If you're reading this, you're wondering how you might be able to make working out a habit and make working out work for you. You've come...

Dr Susan Baxter
5 min read
What You Can Do to Reduce Stress Eating
Stress eating is a common problem for many, which involves the consumption of food as a coping mechanism to deal with stress. Although it...

4 min read
Things to consider in your exercise regime
My sister was quite surprised and astonished when she saw her daughter sitting up, just a baby sitting up typing on her turned off laptop...

6 min read
But Dr Suz, I can’t afford to exercise or get a diet
Okay, I'm glad to be sharing this post because I do know a lot of people that believe that their ideal weight loss-fat loss fitness goals...

7 min read
Do you know what a Personal Trainer does? And what do you need?
So I figured I'd jump on here and give you a bit of insight to things I've been thinking about a lot lately when it comes to my client...

8 min read
Does Menopause mean not losing weight? Over 40s guide when you're weight is increasing unexpectedly?
If you're reading this you're probably wondering how come despite the fact that you are making very sensible decisions that have worked...

7 min read
How to get rid of back pain for good
if you're reading this, you've probably had a back pain injury that you potentially have been ignoring for a while, or that you felt...

9 min read
I'm injured? Now what? How to exercise and heal when injured.
If you're reading this, you or your client must have recently got injured. Regardless of whether it was: - during the day, doing...

Dr Susan Baxter
2 min read
Scared to work out in the gym? Read this first.
Just started going to the gym? Found out that you are avoiding going at certain times, or avoided it altogether? Don’t worry you are not...

7 min read
Some of my findings for how to feel better with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Okay, so first of all, we'll be using this blog post to help you better understand rheumatoid arthritis either for yourself or for a...

2 min read
How often should I go to the gym?
So, you’ve just started exercising and are unsure if you are doing enough sessions or are doing too many. Well, the answer to this is...

Dr Susan Baxter
2 min read
Do I Need To Work Out More To Get In Shape Faster?
If you work out harder or longer or more often, you will get faster results, right? While this may seem rational, increasing your...

Dr Susan Baxter
4 min read
Where Are All My Gains / Losses / Results?
If you don’t change anything, nothing changes right? But what about if you changed a good deal of things – maybe you have changed...
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