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Dr Susan Baxter
Sep 6, 20222 min read
Do I Need To Work Out More To Get In Shape Faster?
If you work out harder or longer or more often, you will get faster results, right? While this may seem rational, increasing your...

Dr Susan Baxter
Aug 22, 20224 min read
Where Are All My Gains / Losses / Results?
If you don’t change anything, nothing changes right? But what about if you changed a good deal of things – maybe you have changed...

Dr Susan Baxter
Aug 18, 20223 min read
How To Fight Tiredness with Exercise as a Parent and Why Should We Bother?
Are you a parent? You can use physical exercise to help you in various areas of your life: to get more flexible and stronger, reduce...

Dr Susan Baxter
Aug 16, 20222 min read
What Do I Do To Change My Workout? And When?
We learnt in the last post here that the body adapts to exercise: the more exercise that you do, the better and more efficient the body...

Dr Susan Baxter
Aug 12, 20222 min read
Healthy Eating Ultimate Guide: Start Eating Healthy Without Being Miserable
Our bodies are subject to thermodynamic rules, which dictate that we must burn more calories than we ingest daily to lose weight....

Aug 10, 20229 min read
HIIT training, should you do it?
Is HIIT the best? Should I do HIIT? Is HIIT best for weight loss? You might be wondering whether HIIT training will get you fat loss...

Dr Susan Baxter
Aug 5, 20224 min read
Follow These Three Habits Fit People Do
It’s tempting to look at the fittest person we know and be jealous of their impressive body shape and youthful look. Is there some magic...

Dr Susan Baxter
Aug 5, 20226 min read
Why Can't I Lose Weight? 7 Awkward Reasons And How To Solve Them
Losing weight can be a big task that requires time, patience, and dedication to the process. If you’re putting in a huge amount of work...

Dr Susan Baxter
Aug 5, 20224 min read
How to Measure or Calculate Your Body Fat Percentage (And Lower It!)
Weighing yourself is one of the easiest ways to check on your weight loss, but as you progress and want to get healthier or have specific...

Dr Susan Baxter
Aug 4, 20225 min read
Do I Have To Workout Every Day To Lose Weight?
Most people assume that you must work out to lose weight and may even believe that working out every day is required to meet your weight...

Aug 3, 20224 min read
7 Ways to Fit Exercise into Your Crazy Busy Schedule!
Too busy to exercise? If you are here, you are probably a parent or someone who runs a business or two, homeschools the kids and probably...

Dr Susan Baxter
Jul 25, 20225 min read
“I’ll Be Back”
With the Arnold Classic Australia coming up in March, we figured that we would channel our inner ‘Terminator’ and help you get back on...

Dr Susan Baxter
Jul 11, 20225 min read
How Do I Speed Up My Results?
Congratulations on commencing your new healthy life plan! Making a change is hard to do. That's why I've also written a post on building...

Dr Susan Baxter
Jul 4, 20225 min read
Have You Hit A Plateau?
Congratulations on your new healthy workout routine! You are knocking your sessions out of the park, and you haven’t missed a beat when...

Dr Susan Baxter
Jun 27, 20224 min read
Is Sleep Undermining Your Gains?
We have all been there. The procrastination that happens on a “school night” (or work night), where you feel just a little bit naughty by...

Dr Susan Baxter
Mar 29, 20223 min read
Females vs males … Intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting or IF has a plethora of different potential protocols to follow, but overall the message is the same: there are...

Dr Susan Baxter
Mar 29, 20223 min read
IIFYM (If it Fits Your Macros)
QU: Suz what is IIFYM? ANS: IIFYM or 'if it fits your macros' is (as I understand) a type of flexible dieting and eating. It is flexible...

Dr Susan Baxter
Oct 15, 20152 min read
What is the BEST time of the day to exercise?
Well my young padawan, the answer all depends on your goals! First things first, showing up is paramount. If your aim is to get there in...

Dr Susan Baxter
Apr 23, 20152 min read
Is running a good way to burn fat?
Many people choose running as a form of weight loss, thinking that it is the most optimal way to lose weight. I would disagree. Whilst...

Dr Susan Baxter
Apr 5, 20153 min read
Is low carb safe? What is the nutritional key to living longer?
People these days are quick to blame carbohydrates as the cause of excess fat. However, any food, when eaten at a surplus to the...
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