About Dr Susan Baxter
Ok, so it might not seem it, but Ive been working in the fitness and health industry a LONG time (is 16 years long?).
Along the way I've learned quite a bit from hands-on experience working my way from being a group fitness instructor to the masses, doing personal training to support me financially at University (a PhD takes 10 years including undergrad). One might ask why I need to have a PhD to do what I do, but the answer is that I don't, but I just want to learn AS MUCH as I could to help as MANY people as I could. Especially the ones who haven't found something that is their "home run" yet.
It's really hard to define what the DrSuzSquad does in one word because there isn't anything we have come across like it. We merge injury prevention and prehab/rehab, with longevity exercise training to get you fitter and stronger, behaviour and mindset coaching plus stress management, and nutrition. We are the bespoke program for you and hone in on what you need the most.
I also am pretty passionate about helping others to enjoy exercise almost as much as me, so that they can enjoy their personal and professional lives better, and have better longevity. Whilst exercise and health is my passion and a big part of my identity, it doesn't have to be yours for me to truly distill the years of knowledge and experience to get you feeling, looking and being the best version of you!
See pretty early on I realised a lot of fitness professionals want you to do EXACTLY as they do to be like them. I don't want that for you, I want you to be the healthiest version of you so you can enjoy everything that you are passionate about. I ALSO have come to see that a lot of fitness professionals are drawn to the fitness professional because they look fit IN-SPITE of what they eat or do for exercise, NOT because of it (which means following their advice at times can be DANGEROUS), OR in the - MAINLY MEN dominated - profession of fitness, that many train women as if women are small men. Which they aren't. Not even close. AND a lot of this mini men advice works AGAINST a womens body and not WITH it!
If you are a guy, and you are still reading this, I also train and rehab injured men too of course and usually for me (Ive been strength training a long time), it takes me 6 months to get you as strong as it took me 16 years to get :)
Who I don't train: if you are after a coach to ignore poor form that will injure you over time, or ignore items in your life that will set you up for injury, or you want a simple "rep counter" who just gets you a bit sweaty and will give you a bit of energy drain (just like when you "tire the kids out at the park") that isn't me or the DrSuzSquad. SPOILER ALERT: My rep counting SUCKS.
IF you'd like to know how to get MORE results from spending less time exercising (and NO, HIIT is never my choice for you), how to eat MORE food (and stay in your best shape) and get more insight into what is a "NEEDLE MOVER" without being lost when eating out, or on holiday, and get rid of those niggles and lingering injuries once and for all... DrSuzSquad is for you.
Previous Health and Fitness Awards
- National Runner up 2009 Freestyle Aerobics Instructor of the Year
- National Finalist 2010 People’s Choice Fitness Award
- National Finalist 2011 Pre-Choreographed Group fitness Instructor
- National People’s Choice Fitness Award 2011 | Register of Exercise Professionals
- Blues Award of Excellence for Bodybuilding | University of Otago | Nov 2013
Fitness Education | Communication | Social Media | Writer | Presenter | Communicator & Conference Speaker | Lecturer
My goal is Dr Suz Squad be the last coach you'll need.
No one should be looking forward in retiring to calling their coach to ask if they can have a shortbread biscuit at their grandchild's birthday.
The clients we have are proud to be on the beach in their favorite togs, can keep up in a game of catch with their children and can run to catch their children if they run to the road or into the ocean. They also are happy to be in a frock at their grown daughter or son's wedding or 21st.
Whilst I cannot make the changes in your life for you, I can tell you that I CAN guarantee get you there, or I WILL point you in the right direction if we aren't the right fit as SOON as you contact me :)